Snow Removal

Snow and ice control are a key service the City of Fredericton provides. Drivers, transit users, and those who choose Active Transportation—such as cycling or walking—depend on clear roads and sidewalks to move about the city.

The City takes a strategic approach to snow and ice control. Salt is applied at the onset of a storm to prevent ice and snow from bonding to the pavement.  Priority 1 and 2 streets are scraped continuously during a storm to keep the City moving.  Depending on the size of the storm, priority 3 streets may be scraped during a storm to ensure access is maintained.

Sidewalks in heavy pedestrian areas, like the downtown business district are scraped during a storm.

Full cleanup of all streets and sidewalks begins once the storm has ended. City staff will plow all streets within 24 hours after the end of a storm.  All sidewalks are plowed within 48 hours of a storm.