Tree Management

Fredericton is well known for its tree canopy. Our urban forest consists of thousands of trees, with a great diversity of species, found along city streets, in parks and green spaces, and on private properties.

The City of Fredericton Parks & Trees division employs professional staff to manage the trees within its care. It is responsible for the management of all trees on its property, including our forests, parks, river banks, and trail system. There are approximately 21,000 street trees within City limits, all of various species, age and, size.

The City follows the principle of Integrated Pest Management, as well as the guidelines set out by the International Society of Arboriculture, ensuring that our urban forest is well cared for in an environmentally-responsible manner.

Continuing with its strong commitment to urban forest management, a Tree Management by-law was passed by City Council on January 13, 2020. It is the result of months of research on best practices and a long-standing recommendation of the Fredericton Tree Commission.

The by-law outlines procedures for the maintenance, removal, replacement, and protection of trees located on City property, as well as those located on private property impacting municipal operations.

It also outlines how we can continue to best manage the tens of thousands of trees along our city streets and the hundreds of thousands within our parks and green spaces. Our professional team of forestry staff already observe many of the measures in the by-law.

About the Tree Management By-law

The by-law is divided into several sections. It begins with a preamble that recognizes the value of the City’s urban forest and the need to manage this “green infrastructure." The by-law also offers a variety of definitions related to the municipality, its trees, and associated operations. 

It continues by outlining requirements for dealing with tree injuries, insect infestation, and disease, as well as the proper pruning, removal, replacement, and planting of trees.

The by-law also allows for the ability to adopt programs and policies as may be necessary to maintain the health and vitality of trees within the city.

The by-law also outlines practices that are not permitted or only allowed with City authorization. This includes planting trees on City property, attaching electrical cords, lights or other items to the branches of City trees, doing anything that would damage a tree, or securing any object to a City tree. (See the by-law, section 5 (PDF))

A limited number of exemptions are permitted under the by-law, such as removing trees that are a safety hazard, infected by disease of injurious insects, or that interfere with public utilities and infrastructure.

Provisions are also outlined in the by-law related to trees on private property impacting municipal operations, as well as associated penalties and provisions related to violating the by-law. Enforcement officers may be appointed under the by-law.

The by-law works in concert with existing strategies already in place to deal with Dutch Elm Disease and the Emerald Ash Borer.
