With an impressive tree canopy including over 80 species, our Parks and Trees crews work hard to ensure that our beautiful urban forest continues to grow and thrive. This map highlights some of the prominent species in different areas of the city. Here are some fun facts about these trees:
- Ash: Making up approximately 12% of Fredericton’s urban canopy, Ash trees can be found growing in natural stands along the river and around the city. White ash is native to the province and was traditionally used for basket weaving by the indigenous people of the St John River Valley. Ash trees are under threat of the invasive Emerald Ash Borer beetle, discovered by the city in 2021 and has since been combated with a systemic insecticide.
- Eastern Hemlock: As a long-lived and shade-tolerant coniferous species, the Eastern Hemlock is prominently found in Fredericton’s Odell Park. Some of these trees are estimated to be over 500 years old! Demonstrating a phenomena known as allelopathy, the species has the unique ability to suppress the growth of competing trees.
- Maple: A variety of species within the maple family are prominent throughout the city and make up almost half of its total canopy. Native red and sugar maples can be found planted in the right of way throughout the city, as-well as growing naturally in many areas. Both species can be tapped for maple syrup production!
- Linden: The Linden tree is a great source of nectar and pollen for pollinator species, growing pale yellow to white flowers in the early summer. Making up 9% of the City’s canopy, it is a relatively fast-growing street tree. They are part of the same family as the native Basswood tree!
- Butternut: As one of only two species in the walnut family native to Canada, Butternut trees produce large nuts every 2-3 years which are edible for many wildlife species, including humans! In 2003, the Butternut was listed as an at-risk species due to a fungal pathogen that causes a canker on trees of various sizes.
- Willow: Commonly found alongside our rivers, the Willow tree is known to be an easily reproducing tree, growing new roots from its branches when they reach the ground. They make wonderful at bank stabilizers and are great for erosion control. The most recognizable of the family being the Weeping Willow tree, with yellow-colored buds covering their drooping branches.
- Elm: Once known as “The City of Stately Elms”, Fredericton has up to 200 generously planted Elm trees throughout the city. With their vase-shaped canopies, you can find them towering over powerlines and buildings in the downtown and Devon areas. Carried by a native bark beetle, a fungal pathogen known as Dutch Elm Disease has been wreaking havoc on this species for decades despite the cities best efforts in preserving them.
- Eastern White Pine: Once sought after in the St John River valley for building ship masts, the Eastern White Pine is a prominent figure along the banks of river in Marysville. The species towers above the rest of the tree canopy, it’s silhouette can be seen along highways and waterways throughout the province. These are some of the largest trees in the province, some measuring up well over 500 cm DBH.
- Spruce: The Spruce tree is a naturally long-lived species that can be found on street sides and in local forested parks. Perfect for roadside planting, Sprue trees are salt tolerant and act as a windbreak. In the early stages of cone development, their unique cones turn purple and serve as natural shelter and food source for urban wildlife.
- Fir: As New Brunswick’s official provincial tree, Balsam Fir can be found growing in local forested areas such as O’Dell Park. This species can thrive in unfavorable conditions, and provides shelter, nesting, and forging opportunities for a variety of wildlife. The Balsam Fir can also be found growing outside of the City’s Town Hall!
- Silver Maple: The Silver Maple is one of the few trees species that can tolerate living in flood saturated soils, its sprawling root system helps in mitigating bank erosion along floodplains. This native species can be found along watercourses both in and outside of the city.