By-Law No. Z-5, A Zoning By-law for the City of Fredericton
The following by-law is an electronic reproduction made available for convenience and information purposes only. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its contents, the City of Fredericton does not assume any responsibility for the reliability of the contents. The by-law cannot be distributed or used for commercial purposes. If an official version of the Zoning by-Law is required and/or to ensure there have been no subsequent amendments, reference must be made to the official paper version held in the City Clerk's Office.
Please be advised that the Zoning By-Law and Zoning Maps are amended on a regular basis. All zoning information MUST be verified by the Community Planning Division staff. To request a zoning confirmation letter please send requests including name, mailing address, phone and fax number and email address with the PID, civic address and current use of property in question to Planning.
A full copy of the Zoning By-Law can be purchased for $50 by contacting the Community Planning Division at (506) 460-2020 or via email to
If you encounter difficulties downloading this by-law, please contact call the Community Planning Division at (506) 460-2020 or via email to