Building Permits

Building Permits are required prior to developing a new building, an addition, or making significant alterations to an existing building to ensure that all work meets the National Building Code and all other municipal and provincial standards.

How can I get a permit?

Applicants are encouraged to visit the Building Inspections Counter located on the ground floor of City Hall or contact the Building Inspection Division prior to applying for a permit to discuss project details and determine the required documentation or plans.

How much does the permit cost?

Building Permit

$8 per $1,000 worth of construction value (rounded up)

Curb Cut

$105 per metre + tax (minimum 2 metre cut)

This is a set fee for lineal work performed, with no adjustment except as required for changes in the amount of curb cut or constructed.

Curb Replacement

$165 per metre + tax

This is a set fee for lineal work performed, with no adjustment except as required for changes in the amount of curb constructed.


Sidewalk Reinstatement


$155 per metre + tax

This is a set fee for lineal work performed, with no adjustment except as required for changes in the amount of curb constructed.


Fees and associated deposits are due at the time of application and may be paid by credit card, cheque or cash.

How are building permits approved?

The approval process includes three City of Fredericton Divisions:

  1. The Community Planning Division reviews the proposed construction and property use to ensure it complies with the Zoning By-law, the Provincial Community Planning Act and all other relevant land use legislation. Approval includes review of setback distances from buildings to property lines, heritage compatibility and type of occupancy.

  2. The Engineering Division reviews the proposed construction for feasibility and compliance with several infrastructure related requirements, including Water/Sewer services, subdivision/lot grading and well field protection.

  3. The Building Inspections Division reviews the proposed construction to ensure it complies with the minimum standards of health, safety, structural adequacy and accessibility of the National Building Code and the National Plumbing Code.

As of October 2012, the review process is undertaken simultaneously by all Divisions and any issues requiring rectification are communicated immediately to the customer and the appropriate Divisions.

How does the inspection process work?

Inspections are performed at crucial points of the construction process to verify that the work conforms to the approved plans and the National Building Code. Any deficiencies are noted, and rectification and re-inspection is required before construction can continue. Supplementary inspections are also conducted on larger projects, where the inspector periodically visits the site unannounced.

How is a permit closed?

All Building Permits require a final inspection, requested by the owner, once construction is complete. If the inspection results in no outstanding issues, the file on the permit is closed.

Can I track the status of my building permit and inspection?

Builders track their applications, the status of inspections and the history of past applications online through Access Fredericton using their password protected account.