Fredericton’s fieldhouse and community-use gyms provide flexible spaces for sports, fitness, and community activities. Whether its casual play or organized leagues and programs, these facilities are perfect venues for your next recreational pursuit.
Free rental of badminton, volleyball, badminton, basketball and pickleball equipment for pass holders.
November to June, kids and youth with a fieldhouse annual pass can hang out with friends at the Indoor Mini Skate/Scooter Park and Youth Room, taking part in skate workshops, and other games and activities. All equipment is provided.
The City of Fredericton and Anglophone School District have for over 40+ years collaborated to provide community-use gymnasium spaces for recreation, sport, and culture groups. The Community School Gyms below are available throughout the year except for Christmas and March Break.
Please note that not all gyms are available during the summer. For operating hours and summer availability check the Locations section below.
For all facilities, users must bring their own racquets, balls, and other necessary equipment for each sport. Poles and nets are provided if listed below in the Locations section.
Floor hockey is prohibited by the Anglophone School District in any gymnasium.
When schools close due to weather conditions, evening community-use gym programming is also cancelled.