Home Composting

A large share of the waste that arrives at the landfill is organic, including food scraps, yard trimmings, junk wood, wastepaper, and textiles. As these materials decompose, they produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas and key contributor to climate change. Composting is an easy and effective way to divert this kind of waste from the landfill while offering many other benefits.

Taking advantage of natural processes, composting transforms organic waste into rich nutrients that can be used to feed gardens and lawns.

As part of our environmental initiatives, the City is making backyard composting more accessible by offering bins at a reduced price and providing opportunities to learn more about composting at home. Embracing composting is an important step toward a circular economy and a more sustainable community. 

Backyard composting bins are currently available for purchase in the Service Center at City Hall for the reduced price of $50+HST.

Please note that there is a limit of one bin per household, and that bins are available only to residents of The City of Fredericton. Click here if you are unsure whether your address falls under city limits. 

Click here to sign up for our composting workshops in partnership with Hayes Farm

BROCHURE : How to Compost at Home 


Did you know?

The Capital Region Service Commission Landfill captures some of the methane it produces and uses it to generate electricity, preventing harmful greenhouse gas emissions from escaping into the atmosphere as well as reducing the odour of the landfill.

Learn more about this important initiative

The City of Fredericton is also hard at work implementing a wide range of its own environmental initiatives, including climate change adaptation and energy and emission reduction.

Learn more about our environmental initiatives

What can I compost?

  • Compost Greens: Wet materials rich in nitrogen, including vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags and leaves, fresh grass clippings, and yard trimmings.
  • Compost Browns: Dry materials rich in carbon, including dry leaves, wood chips and sawdust from untreated wood, dried grass clippings, shredded paper, egg and nut shells, hair and animal fur, paper towels, and paper tubes.

Is there anything I shouldn’t put in my compost?

Never put the following items in your compost pile:

  • Meat or bones
  • Pet waste
  • Grease or oils
  • Diseased plants
  • Yard trimmings treated with pesticides
  • Dairy products

How do I compost?

  1. Find a dry and shady spot in your yard or, if you prefer to compost inside, purchase an odourless countertop composter.
  2. Chop your Compost Greens and Browns into small pieces to help them break down faster.
  3. Mix 1 part Compost Greens to 1 part Compost Browns into a freestanding pile or composter, making sure to top it with a layer of Compost Browns to cut down on flies and mask odours.
  4. Make sure your compost is adequately moist. It should be the consistency of a wrung-out sponge. If you’re not adding food scraps, be sure to add some water.
  5. Turn your compost pile over every few weeks to help the process along.
  6. Your compost is ready when it looks, feels and smells like rich, dark earth rather than rotting vegetables. It should be dark brown and crumbly.

What can I do with my compost?

Once your compost is mature, use it as mulch, work it into your garden, add it to the potting soil of your house plants, distribute it on your lawn, or share it with your neighbours!