Water & Sewer

Each day, the City of Fredericton’s Water & Sewer Utility provides customers with clean, safe drinking water on demand. It treats thousands of litres of wastewater, ensuring the treatment of the wastewater exceeds national standards.

Drinking water is sent to customers around Fredericton from 10 major production wells. The water passes through one of two water treatment plants, before flowing through an extensive water distribution system covering 433 km.

Fredericton’s sanitary sewer network consists of a system of sewers designed to collect and convey household and industrial wastewater from urban areas to a wastewater treatment plant. The majority of sewage collected is treated at the Barker Street treatment plant. One smaller treatment facility also exists to treat wastewater in the Garden Creek area of the city.

Budget 2024: Water & Sewer Utility

The 2024 Budget for the City of Fredericton Water & Sewer utility will be $23,440,904. The operating budget will be $12,581,487 with $10,859,417 being spent on capital projects.
The Utility is funded separately from the City’s general fund, deriving all its revenue from rates charged and funding received from other levels of government.
Water and sewer rates will go up in 2024. Effective with the second quarterly billing in 2024, the following will apply:
•    the quarterly service charge will increase from $61.90 to $67.50 for each of water and sewer, plus a monthly meter rental charge.
•    the commodity charge per cubic meter will increase from $0.97 to $1.00 for each of water and sewer, and
•    the quarterly flat rate commodity charge will increase from $67.96 to $74.76 for each of water and sewer.
The typical Fredericton household will pay just $2.53 daily for safe, secure and reliable water along with environmentally sound wastewater treatment.

About our Water & Sewer Utility