By-Law No. S.19 A Nuisance By-law |
By-Law No. S-19 |
Safety |
By-law No. S-20, A By-law Respecting Fire Prevention |
By-law No. S-20 |
Safety |
A By-law Permitting the Enactment of Certain By-laws and Adoption of Certain Resolutions |
No. A-11 |
Administration |
A By-law to Amend Various By-laws |
No. A-12 |
Administration |
A By-law to Continue the Superannuation Plan for Certain Employees of the City of Fredericton |
No. A-13 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Composition of Council for the City of Fredericton |
No. A-15 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Remuneration of City Council for the City of Fredericton |
No. A-16 |
Administration |
A By-law to Amend Various By-laws |
No. A-17 |
Administration |
A By-law to Permit the Enactment of Certain By-laws and Adoption of Certain Resolutions |
No. A-18 |
Administration |
A Procedural By-law of the City of Fredericton Municipal Council |
No. A-19 |
Administration |
A By-law to Amend Various By-laws |
No. A-21 |
Administration |
A By-law Establishing a Code of Conduct for Members of City Council of the City of Fredericton |
No. A-22 |
Administration |
A By-law to Permit the Enactment of Certain By-laws and Adoption of Certain Resolutions |
No. A-23 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Provision of Police Protection Service in the City of Fredericton |
No. A-24 |
Administration |
A By-law to Amend Various By-laws |
No. A-25 |
Administration |
By-Law No. A-26 Delegation of Authority By-Law for the City of Fredericton |
No. A-26 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Officials of the City of Fredericton |
No. A-3 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Corporate Seal |
No. A-4 |
Administration |
A By-law Respecting the Table of Organization of the Fredericton Police Force |
No. A-6 |
Administration |
A By-law to Repeal Several By-laws of the City of Fredericton |
No. A-7 |
Administration |