Cassandra LeBlanc

Councillor, Ward 10 (West Downtown & Plat/Sunshine Gardens)
Phone number

Cassandra LeBlanc is a long-time resident of Fredericton, New Brunswick and is passionate about the city she’s called home for most of her life!

Coun. LeBlanc has contributed to her community as a member of the Board of Directors for the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, as well as for Fredericton Women in Business. She has organized multiple community events aimed at networking and education like Tips & Sips, the Gift of Thrift and multiple local clothing swaps held at the Tipsy Muse Cafe.

For eight years, she spent her career in the private sector working for a local small business in sales, administration, accounting, marketing and building management before leaving to start her own business as a wardrobe consultant and personal shopper.

Coun. LeBlanc is currently serving in her full-time role as the Executive Director of the Community Kitchens. She faces daily challenges of raising funds for their essential programs and services while helping the guests that use these services find meaningful work, suitable housing and community connection.

She is continuing her education at St. Thomas University pursuing a degree in Political Science and Sociology.

Committee Appointments: