Community Safety Task Force

The Mayor’s Community Safety Task Force will be made up of 18 members, including representatives from all three orders of government, residents, program delivery organizations and members of the business community. Mayor Kate Rogers and Fredericton Police Chief Gary Forward will co-chair the group.

The purpose of the Task Force is to bring together relevant stakeholders to develop recommendations to improve community safety. The group will consider areas of action related to justice, policing, mental health, addictions, living rough, and other associated issues.


  • Mayor Kate Rogers, or designate, 
  • Police Chief Gary Forward, or designate, 
  • MP Jenica Atwin, or designate, 
  • Mike Comeau, Deputy Minister of Justice and Public Safety, or designate, 
  • Cindy Miles, Minister of Social Development, or designate, 
  • Dr. Heather Logan, Horizon Mental Health and Addictions, 
  • Anne Arsenault, Department of Health, 
  • Morgan Peters, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, 
  • Adam Peabody - Downtown Fredericton Inc., 
  • Trina MacDonald - Business Fredericton North, 
  • Warren Maddox – Fredericton Shelters Inc., 
  • Marcel Lebrun – 12Neighbours Community Inc., 
  • John Barrow, John Howard Society,
  • A Sistansisk Representative as appointed by Chief Polchies; and
  • A Community Representative
  • Local residents

For specific details about which committee is meeting, any changes to the schedule, and to see the meeting agenda, visit the City of Fredericton calendar of events web page.

Any unwanted activity should continue to be reported to the Fredericton Police Force at  506-460-2300.