Environmental Stewardship

The mandate of the Environmental Stewardship Committee is help create a community that respects its natural environment, minimizes its environmental impact and adapts to climate change.

The City of Fredericton’s Standing Committees meet each Thursday at 12 noon. For specific details about which committee is meeting, any changes to the schedule, and to see the meeting agenda, visit the City of Fredericton calendar of events web page.

Duties include:

  • in liaison with the Director, provide recommendations to Council on the planning and implementation of environmental programs;
  • to monitor and support the delivery of environmental programs and report to Council;
  • to make recommendations to Council on the planning and delivery of water, sewer, sanitation and pollution control services; and
  • to make recommendations to Council on the planning and implementation of any other programs or policies that affect the environment.


  • Councillor Kevin Darrah, Chair
  • Councillor Margo Sheppard, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor Eric Megarity
  • Councillor Greg Ericson
  • Councillor Steven Hicks
  • Councillor Ruth Breen
  • Councillor Bruce Grandy
  • Deputy Mayor Jocelyn Pike