The City of Fredericton is seeking the names of volunteers willing to serve on the Preservation Review Board. Find more information here.
The Preservation Review Board, whose members are appointed by City Council, is concerned with protecting the historic and architectural character of the preservation areas in the city.
The Preservation Review Board’s duties include:
- administering the Preservation By-law
- promoting the economic, educational, and cultural development of the City of Fredericton through the preservation and protection of the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places of historical or architectural significance in preservation areas
- preserving a harmonious outward appearance of structures and settings which is attractive to residents and an enhancement to tourism
- ensuring that construction and renovation of buildings and structures are undertaken in a form compatible with the municipality’s traditional architectural styles
- providing guidance to the public on appropriate standards of design for developments in preservation areas.
Development within a preservation area
No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out any development within a preservation area, whether a building permit or demolition permit has been issued or not, until a Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued by the Board. The Board meets the first Tuesday of every month at noon, in the Second Floor Committee Room at City Hall. These meetings are open to all members of the public.
Interested parties with comments or concerns regarding particular applications are asked to contact Heritage & Urban Design.
Board Members
- Councillor Margo Sheppard (Council Representative)
- Valerie Sensinger (Vice Chair)
- Douglas V. Wright
- Steve Watson
- Jeremy Mouat
- Becky McGilligan
- Erin Jeffries
- Graham Young