Right to Information

The City of Fredericton and Fredericton Police Force are committed to transparent and open municipal government. All mandated municipal government records and public information are available upon request. Please start by asking us. 

It will be determined if the request should be submitted formally under the Act or if the information will be provided under business as usual.

  • Individuals wishing to access Police Force Records should begin by contacting the FPF RTIPPA Coordinator at FPF-RTIPPA@fredericton.ca.
  • Individuals wishing to access Municipal Government Records should begin by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@fredericton.ca.

The Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA) provides an individual with the right to access information under the custody and control of a local government body, including one's own personal information. There are certain limitations that shall exclude records from being accessible: the records may be exempt, confidentiality provisions may apply or the request may be considered frivolous or vexatious.

How you can make a request

The Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act sets out a legislated process by which you can exercise your right to access information respecting the public business of public bodies.

If you are unable to access the information you want by using an informal approach or by other established procedures, you can make a request for that information under RTIPPA. You can either use the form available, in the Quick Links of this page, or you can write a letter outlining your request under the Act.

Simply follow these three steps:

1a) Requests for the Fredericton Police Force Records should be addressed to:
FPF RTIPPA Coordinator
Fredericton Police Force
P. O. Box 130, (397 Queen Street, City Hall)
Fredericton, NB E3B 1B1

1b) Requests for Municipal Government Records should be addressed to:
City of Fredericton
397 Queen Street
Fredericton, NB  E3B 1B5
Tel.: (506) 460-2020
Fax: (506) 460-2905

2) You must include the following information in your request:

  • A description of what you are looking for, including the subject-matter of your request and the time, place and nature of the event. Please be as specific as possible, as this will better enable the relevant records to be identified;
  • Your name and mailing address;
  • Your e-mail address, if any;
  • A telephone number where you can be reached;
  • The date of the request;
  • That your request is being made as a request for access to a record under the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
  • The name of the business organization on behalf of which you are making the request, if any;
  • Whether you are asking to examine a record (i.e. in person, at the public body’s location); and
  • Whether you are asking for a copy of a record and (where it is possible to send the record electronically) whether you are able to receive the record by electronic means.

3. Send your request to either the FPF RTIPPA Coordinator or the Office of the City Clerk (as outlined above). Please note: there are no longer any fees for requests made under the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

All requests must be in writing. An oral request will only be accepted from an applicant if the applicant is unable to read and write in English or French, or if the applicant has a disability that prevents the applicant from completing a written request.

If you are requesting public or personal information on behalf of someone else, you will need written authorization to do so. This authorization can be in the form of a signed letter, a Power of Attorney, or other legislated authorization.

If you have any questions about making a request for information, please contact either the FPF RTIPPA Coordinator or the Office of the City Clerk.