Call for volunteers to represent the City of Fredericton on the Board of Directors of the Fredericton International Airport Authority Inc.

City Hall

A vacancy currently exists as the City of Fredericton representative on the Board of the Fredericton International Airport Authority Inc. (FIAA).  As a result, the City of Fredericton is seeking the names of interested city residents who might be willing to serve on the FIAA Board for a three-year term.

The mandate of the FIAA Board of Directors does not manage but exercises its fiduciary responsibilities through its committees. Interested applicants should have corporate board experience either as a board members or have worked in a role directly reporting to a board and have business, corporation and industry knowledge. In particular, the City is looking for those with experience in tourism and business management within our community.

As the City of Fredericton’s representative as a stakeholder and member of the Board, the goals and objectives of this position shall fulfill the legal requirements and obligations of a director, which includes a comprehensive understanding of the statutory and fiduciary roles; representing the interest of all stakeholders in the governance of the Corporation; ensuring that the best interests of the Corporation are paramount and participating in the review and approval of Corporation policies and strategy and in monitoring their implementation.

Anyone interested in serving on the FIAA Board is asked to submit a letter and brief résumé, demonstrating their qualifications and experience, to the City Clerk on or before 4:30 on Monday, February 24, 2025.

The composition of the board, commission or committee shall reflect the gender and linguistic representation, as well as the cultural and geographic diversity of the City of Fredericton.

Office of the City Clerk
City Hall, 397 Queen Street
Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y7
Fax:  460-2905