Credible sources for information available online

Police News

While there are many theories circulating online regarding active missing persons files currently being investigated by the Fredericton Police Force, we encourage you to avoid speculation and be discerning regarding the sources from which you draw information, ensuring it is from a credible source. 

Credible sources include official police force pages, Crime Stoppers (, and Canada’s Missing (  Non-credible sources may be posting information based on pure speculation or may possibly be trying to track down missing people for nefarious reasons.  Please avoid sharing posts or information from non-credible sources.

If you have information, corroborated or not, always contact your local police force or Crime Stoppers as information is shared between agencies.  You can contact our organization anytime at 506-460-2300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 to remain anonymous.