FPF Traffic Safety Initiative: Impaired Driving

Police News

The Fredericton Police Force (FPF) continue to work with community partners to raise awareness and educate the public on the dangers of driving while impaired by drug or alcohol. 

On Friday, Dec. 8, 2023, FPF officers, supported by members of Department of JPS and MADD Greater Fredericton chapter, conducted a checkpoint at the Marysville Bypass from 9:00 – 11:00 p.m.

Of the 43 Mandatory Alcohol Screening demands:

  • 1 Impaired + prohibited driver of a repeat offender 
  • 2 - 7 day license suspensions (impaired) 
  • 1 suspended driver (other - not impaired) 

In December alone, FPF has charged 13 individuals with impaired driving, bringing the 2023 year to date total to 194 impaired charges. 

The FPF will continue to conduct holiday checkpoints specifically targeting impaired drivers. Patrol division will be extra vigilant while on the roads in support of December’s traffic safety initiative, Impaired Driving. 

Also, be sure to follow FPF on our social media pages as we support MADD’s 12 days of Impaired Driving Awareness, which will feature tips, facts, and education on the dangers of impaired driving.

Public Safety members conducting checkpoint