Happy Halloween from the Fredericton Police Force!

Police News
Children Trick-or-Treating

Happy Halloween from the Fredericton Police Force!

To ensure everyone has a safe and fun Halloween, here are a few important safety tips:

• Children should be accompanied by an adult.
• Children should wear clothing that can easily be seen at night. Retro- reflective materials are best.
• Children should trick or treat in one well-known area and not wander into unknown neighborhoods.
• All candy should be inspected by an adult to make sure that no one has tampered with it. If it looks suspicious, the police should be contacted.
• Children should wear masks that do not interfere with vision.
• Better yet, they can avoid masks by wearing makeup.
• Children should watch for moving vehicles when crossing streets.
• Costumes should be short enough that the child will not trip.
• Trick or treaters should dress appropriately for the weather and carry a flashlight.

If you see any activity that appears suspicious, more than just Halloween fun, please call 460-2300, or in an emergency, 9-1-1.

Be safe and have fun!