Storm Yard Debris Pick-up Program to be offered September 23, 2023

City Hall

The City of Fredericton will offer a Yard Debris Pick-up Program to residents affected by Post Tropical Storm Lee on Saturday, September 23, 2023 which includes the areas amalgamated in January 1, 2023. 

Residents should place downed branches, twigs and bagged leaves to the curb for pick up by 7 am that day. The materials collected will be taken to City’s Municipal Compost Facility.

The following guidelines apply:

  • Only compostable paper bags will be accepted.
  • Small, tied bundles of brush will be collected.
  • Branches should be no bigger than 5 cm in diameter x 1.5 m in length (2 inches x 5 feet).
  • Loose leaves will not be collected.
  • Leaves and other debris should not be raked into city streets.
  • Please Note: Damaged lawn furniture, etc., and larger tree branches and tree trunks will not be accepted in this cleanup. Residents must make separate arrangements for disposal of these items.

In addition, the Municipal Compost Facility, on Beek Court, in the Vanier Industrial Park will be open on Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. so residents can drop off materials themselves. They will accept branches up to 8 cms (3 inches) in size.

If residents miss this collection day, they may:

  • take their materials directly to the Municipal Compost Facility from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., or
  • hold items for the City of Fredericton’s 2023 Fall Leaf Pickup, which will take place during the weeks of October 23-27 and November 6-10. In this case, residents are asked to not put items to the curb until closer to the pickup date.

Questions? Contact Service Fredericton at or 506-460-2020.