Suicide prevention: It’s everyone’s business

Police News

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day – a day to reflect and share awareness that the prevention of suicide is everyone’s business.

Prevention is often talked about through the lens of healthcare, but we can all join the fight against suicide.

In the Fredericton area, we are coming together as a community to battle suicide. As the saying goes, one is too many.

What can “YOU” do to join the fight?

  • Safeguard your own mental health by reducing stress and identifying coping strategies that work for you.
  • Be vigilant of those around you, and don’t be afraid to use the “S” word – “Are you thinking of suicide?” If the answer is “yes”, call for help.
  • Training such as Safetalk or ASIST or other programs will help you to feel better prepared to talk about suicide.
  • Practice inclusivity across the lifespan, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Whether in the home, the workplace or the community, look for the positive in everyone.
  • Step in when you see hurtful acts such as bullying or harassment.
  • Monitor the use of technology by your children and educate them on the harm caused by cyber-bullying.
  • Join a group that focused on mental wellness and suicide prevention.

Suicide prevention – it is everyone’s business.