Active Transportation Projects Aimed at Reducing GHG Emissions

The three projects approved by FCM include:

  1. Brookside Drive: Fredericton’s First Complete Street;
  2. Route 8 / College Hill Road Roundabout and AT Link
  3. Rookwood Avenue: Trans-Canada Trail Connection.

The City of Fredericton has been successful with its application to the 2018 Municipalities for Climate Innovation Fund from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for the feasibility and preliminary design of transportation projects that aim to reduce GHG (Green House Gas) emissions. These major active transportation gaps were all identified as part of the Active Transportation Connection Plan completed in 2016.


College Hill Road Roundabout and AT Link.

The City of Fredericton is seeking input from residents of the College Hill / Skyline Acres / Southwood Park area  to determine the feasibility of constructing a roundabout on route 8 near College Hill Road, that would enable a direct connection between College Hill Road, Route 7 and Route 8, including the Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital and the Universities.

Recently unveiled plans recommend:

  • Improved connection between Route 7 and College Hill (including Universities and Hospital).
  • Trail connection to Skyline Acres through Reading Park; College Hill and University campuses; to Hospital; and the Uptown District.

See the plan

The intent of this project is 2-fold from a GHG reduction standpoint. The first component is the development of a new active transportation corridor linking the Skyline Acres / Southwood Park neighbhourhoods of the City across Route 8 (Provincial High-speed divided highway) with major destinations including two Universities, Schools, Regional Hospital, and shopping districts in the Uptown. This link would be facilitated through the proposed College Hill Roundabout. This long desired AT connection would enable a safe and efficient trail connection for increased mode share. The second component is to improve access between Route 7, Route 8 and College Hill which could significantly reduce vehicle travel distances and congestion which helps reduce GHGs. The City of Fredericton will work with the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure with respect of the potential impacts to Route 7 and Route 8.


Completed Projects