The City Centre Plan provides a bold vision for the city’s downtown area as a place to live, work, play and visit. It provides detailed information related to building design, sidewalk design, the pedestrian environment, parking lot design, open space, and land use pattern in the downtown. The intent is to create an urban design theme that links the entire city centre together in a cohesive manner in order to guide development in the downtown for the next decade and beyond.
The Plan earned a 2016 Award of Merit from the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) in the category of City and Regional Planning.
The City recently released both the Built Form Design Guidelines and the Street Design Manual, both based on recommendations from the City Centre Plan.
- City Centre Built Form Design Guidelines is a form-based code approach that will direct and shape the on-going development of downtown building according to good urban design principles.
- City Centre Street Design Manual that will serve as a guide to the role, function, and design of the public right of ways within Fredericton City Centre, from the perspective of the public realm as experienced by pedestrians.
For more about the plan, contact Community Planning.