Financial Incentives

Housing Accelerator Fund Grants 

Administered through the City of Fredericton

HAF Rental Housing Grant

Non-profit and private developers can access grants of up to $40,000 per newly developed affordable rental housing unit in the City of Fredericton. Funding is available for a maximum of 10 units per project.

Consult the grant application for eligibility criteria, submission requirements, and a detailed breakdown of per unit incentives.

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to prior to applying for a building permit.

HAF Missing Middle Intensification Grant

This program provides a $15,000 grant to landowners constructing an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) or a net new unit on a property containing an existing building. 

Note: Grants from this program cannot be combined with other City of Fredericton HAF programs/grants

Consult the grant application for eligibility criteria and submission requirements.

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to following the issuance of a building permit. 

HAF Non-profit Capacity Building Grant

This program offers a grant of up to $15,000 to charities, non-profit organizations, and other incorporated entities who may wish to develop, build, and operate affordable rental housing, gain an understanding of the processes, and ensure the organizational model supports its housing goals and objectives. This grant covers a variety of organization/capacity building costs, including, but not limited to, early start up costs for newly formed organizations, business planning, board training and education, project and property management support, asset management plans, etc. 

Consult the grant application for eligibility criteria, submission requirements, as well as a full list of eligible organizational/capacity building activities. 

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to

HAF Non-profit Pre-development Funding Grant

This program provides community housing providers such as charities, non-profit and co-operative housing organizations interested in developing affordable housing projects in the City of Fredericton grants of up to $20,000 to help offset expenses incurred during the proof-of-concept stage associated with developing an affordable housing project which could include both non-market rental and non-market homeownership.

These activities include feasibility studies, preliminary designs, environmental site assessments, etc. 

Consult the grant application for eligibility criteria, submission requirements, as well as a full list of eligible planning and pre-development activities. 

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to prior to developing an affordable housing project. 

HAF Modular and Manufactured Grant Program

This program provides per-door grants/incentives to facilitate the use of modular or manufactured construction for new rental or home ownership units. It is intended to encourage alternate forms of construction for new housing units and provide an opportunity to further grow the missing middle housing option. It is consistent with the Municipal Plan and forms an opportunity to see several of the City’s HAF initiatives implemented more quickly with the use of manufactured or modular form housing.

Both non-profit and private sector developers as defined are eligible for funding under the Program subject to Program guidelines.

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to prior to developing an affordable housing project. 

HAF Non-Profit Modest Home Ownership Grant Program

The Housing Accelerator Fund Modest Home Ownership Grant Program provides per door grants/incentives to facilitate opportunities for affordable home ownership to qualified moderate income households to further support the range of affordable options in the City of Fredericton. Non-profit developers are eligible for funding under this component of the Program subject to Program guidelines. 

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to prior to developing an affordable housing project. 

Other Incentives

Affordable Housing Permit and Community Planning Fees Grant

This program offers grants equal to the cost of municipal planning fees, as well as building and plumbing permit fees, to charities, non-profit organizations, and other incorporated entities developing new deeply affordable housing units in the City of Fredericton.

Consult the grant application for eligibility criteria, submission requirements, as well as a full list of eligible fees.

How do I apply?

Fill out the grant application and submit it with all required supporting documentation to